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Two If By Tea
Today 8:39 am
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JohnnyYou » 51 minutes ago » wrote: Osteen can sell that biblical bullshyt.  He is a rich phook.  The Elon of Evangelism.
I can listen to his message and get a  kick out of it.

The guy that reports Veggie Patties Cause Satanism is a jumping jack flash gas gas gas. He actually had some science behind his theory that "They" were manipulating our DNA with food.  I thought we have been doing that all along.

I had the impossible burger at IHOP.  Got on Fecesbook and said it was pretty good.  Within 10 minutes the meme popped up.  I immediately made sure I got plenty of Exorcism.
Look 4 me I hadda actually Listen 2 ,"The Message".

Joel Osteen speaks it out even quotes the "Scripture" ya can write it down on a notepad go back & look it up in The Bible.

Okay I know that aint 4 everybody but it works 4 me.

The way he speaks too jist the "Encouragement" ya know that alone keeps me trying
Not always "Successful" either but Osteen Ministries got me atleast "Listening"
Updated 2 minutes ago
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