JohnnyYou » Yesterday, 8:45 pm » wrote: ↑
I think Holman is still trying to recover from half his staff getting eliminated and the dumb ones remaining are incapable of finding "suitable" (i.e brainwashed to lick balls) staff.
I hear very little about the subject on the media or from the Whitehouse. The 150 year old social security vampires are much more fascinating. And the 8 million was for Mouse Transgenics, which is material for biological testing. Y'all had me thinking Joe was swapping sex organs for fun and cash.. I smelled errata in the stories from the beginning. The Trumpocalypse is an Abortonatiion. MAGA soaks it up like the Ultimate Gravy on Turkey.
I did hear Trump tried to open an elite Guantanamo Trump Camp for Immigrants. 16 Million was spent on getting 50 migrants there and opening a facility. A judge shut the shyt down and the migrants are back in CONUS. I guess the judge wanted to make sure the horrors of the past there don't surface.
Absolutely foolish to put tariffs on and mass deport the workforce we need to be able to compete. But hey, you guys are the genius of the red hat ubelievabalosity.
It’s 100 percent the actions of Paid off Radical Leftist Judges derailing Law and Order