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Two If By Tea
Today 2:11 am
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Cannonpointer » 14 Mar 2025, 8:27 pm » wrote: Right. You don't know **** about it except what your media masters want you to "know."

That's what I was saying. You're ignorant, and you're running your head about **** you know nothing about.

Yes. We supported them, and called them, "moderate rebels." Just for the record, "moderate" and "rebel" are two words that exist in opposition. Only an absolute idiot would believe there are "moderate rebels." The very act of rebellion is immoderate.


They don't. They are seizing southern Syria - which they consider pan-israel. They are extremely happy with the status quo. They engineered it, with their American slaves.

No, al qaieda, armed and trained and funded by the US, pushed them out. Along with a ragtag assortment of kurds and whey and turks and caicos.
The Turks hate the Kurds and Erdogan has as much said there will be no Kurdistan.

Thwy are also the Second largest Military in NATO behind America.

Israel is in a stuggle but diplomatically they have back channel communications with Turkey and Russia outta "necessity".

During the Syrian Civil war Russia never gave Damascus new military technology only outdated Soviet Era models.

Then about half way thru Russia cranked up their support for Assad regime because they wanted to keep their Air and Naval bases in Latakia their only on the Mediterainian and are now looking to Libya what ever faction they are aligned with while Turkey supports the opposition

There was cordination there between Jerusalem and Moscow and dont shoot at Russian Aircraft.

Updated 3 minutes ago
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