JohnnyYou » Today, 2:32 am » wrote: ↑
There is a lot of opportunity to build electrical control panels. but I spend all my time at internet forums and smoking dope so I'm just a totally delusional DREAMER
Johnny U supports
poverty wages,
zero benefits
Business Owners who get rich while not paying into the system
Harm done to the prevailing wage structure of the industry
the race to the bottom
tens of millions of Illegal Aliens used for congressional and electoral apportionment
giving Illegal Aliens a fast track to voting and turning our society into a single party Banana Republic
Pro Illegal Alien people hate American Union families with full benefits and pensions because they themselves are pensionless Losers who will need to grub for scab wages until the day they die.
oh yeah, there's also this matter about Johnny U being a pathological Liar. me where I ever said EVERY GOVERNMENT WORKER IS A RADICAL LEFTIST.
Act like a man and either admit you are a liar or else continue acting like a little ****** Bitch and keep running from the truth.
It's your choice...
Ever notice that habitual liars can't seem to make a point without basing their "rebuttals" on a lie...?