Inspired by the "things that should be illegal thread", I started this one - things that should be legal. Just some legislative suggestions:
- Civilians owning machine guns manufactured after 1986.
- Silencers - without any kind of registration. If people don't have to register their car's muffler, why should they have to register a silencer?
- Private law enforcers. If the Cops won't do their job, or can't do their job, then private citizens should have the same rights to enforce the law.
- Parents tazering Teachers Who Try to interfere with their Parenting responsibilities.
- Anti-Teachers Unions. These would be paid protesters who shout, scream, riot, and block parking lots, bust up union member's cars wherever there is a teacher's union event.
- Chuck Schumer Voodoo Dolls
- Running Obama Paper Targets
It's a free-for-all! List what you want to be legalized.