PhiloBeddo » Today, 11:40 am » wrote: ↑
It's about respect. You don't come to someone else's house and disrespect them. Anybody, citizen or not can not show disrespect without consequences. If you have the right to burn our flag, we should have the right to kick your ***. If you pussies do that in most other countries, you are dead.
While I detest it when someone burns a flag in protest, I want to point out a few things;
1 - It is their "house" as well. So they don't have the right to do as they wish (within existing laws) in their house?
2 - Showing disrespect without consent is how things started in "The Colonies". Pretty sure King George III didn't consent to those actions.
3 - SCOTUS found, in Texas v Johnson, they do have the right (as symbolic speech) to burn the US Flag in protest.
4 - You are free to kick their *** for burning a flag, as long as you are willing to accept the consequences of violating assault and battery laws...which could include jail time.