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ROG62 » 52 minutes ago » wrote: Never played pinochle...
It's a "bidding" and  "trick taking" game like Spades or Hearts..where the cards within the suits have a power ranking...but you can name any suit that is strong in your hand as "Trump" which has trick taking power over all.
There are also various combos of cards in your hand that have point value....marriages, families and 4 of a kind combos. These combos are called "meld" and your meld is scored before the trick taking part of each round gets under way.
I think Pinochle is still pretty popular in places where you have Germans...but for some reason on line pinochle is popular with Blacks. Reason why I know this is some on line pinochle game houses have you select a cartoon image of yourself and a lot of people choose a negro character. 
Also, with cell phones with unlimited call plans would make cheating real easy and I eventually got to know who was having too much unbelievable luck on a consistent basis and they were Black.
Chalk up another part of Americana that ****** have found a way to destroy.

Updated 2 minutes ago
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