Vegas » 9 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
I will never for the life of me understand how anyone in this country can be so irrationally afraid of guns. America has the most responsible gun owners in the world. The stats are never on their side when it comes to gun deaths.Yes, there are definitely areas that are bad...really bad. However, as a whole, this country does not have a gun problem. They love to flag around the raw total number of gun deaths a year and use it as shock value. However, they refuse to put it in context. If there are 50k gun deaths one year, then usually 60% of those are suicide. That brings it down to 30k. Most of those are inner city gang bangers. The rest are mostly domestic disputes. A husband killing off his wife. Either way, if we accepted the 50k number, that is still extremely low. It only account for 0.004% of the population. Given that 32% of adult Americans own guns, then I'd say that 0.004% is a pretty damn good indicator that Americans are very responsible with guns.
But morons like Veghead refuse to see that.
His own state shows his arguments are false. NH is arguably the safest state in the country; ... 0100%2C000.
But has some of the laxest gun laws in the country. Is there a correlation?
Explain that
@Blackvegetable Because according to YOU more guns mean more violence. Your own state proves you are a liar.