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20 Mar 2025 10:40 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
37,413 posts
Zeets2 » 46 minutes ago » wrote: Sure it does!  The only problem is that you simply don't like the answer.
How smart do you think an entire generation can be when they grow up to think they can become any gender they want, that men can get pregnant, or that tampon machines are needed in the school boys restrooms?  How many don't understand that Biden/Harris broke federal immigration laws by throwing open the border and then flying illegals in from other countries?  Do you think it's only Republicans who don't like the flood of illegal drugs coming in to the country or using lawfare against political opponents, or expecting their president to be able to string two coherent sentences together?  Or make any sense of the Kamaltoe word salad she provides ad nauseum?

Need I go on?
Where do you think inner-city school kids got such stupid ideas?
And isn't it a fact that so many urban schools diverted their standard curriculum of reading, writing, and math in order to promote and dedicate HOURS  every week to teaching an LGBTQ agenda, gay rights, safe spaces, and the radical progressive ideology?  Is it any wonder that far-left liberal activists will be promoted without any concern to their inability to read, write, or do basic math?  That's the agenda that indoctrinate kids to become ignorant but loyal Democrats when they reach voting age.

YOUR problem as I see it, is the fact that your party has swung so far to the left that new voters are beginning to shrug of that yoke of stupidity and have begun to instead use their inherent common sense, and that has spelled doom for today's Democrat party.

Can't have people using their own brains and refusing to swallow your idiotic left-wing ****, can you?
So why do the people who know him best think Grifty's a moron?

Why do morons love him while he grifts them?
Updated 4 minutes ago
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