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23 Mar 2025 8:50 am
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2,822 posts
The Democrats and MOST American Presidents over the last 30 years have let this egregious practice continue... for DECADES... as China, Europe, and others have stolen American businesses, American Jobs, American Prosperity, and American self reliance... TODAY, under Donald Trump... America is fighting back !!

WHY are Democrats and the Democrat leadership (primarily) so ANTI American?  ...are they IDIOTS, or just trying to DESTROY America from within?  It's time AMERICANS make the CHOICE, from NOW and into the FUTURE...

DO WE (Americans) WANT to be the PATSIES of the world... WEAKENING ourselves, acting STUPIDLY, and LETTING other nations take advantage of us?... OR do we want America and American principles to SURVIVE?  IN-PERPETUITY ?

It's TIME to DECIDE !  The NEXT 20 years are CRITICAL !!
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